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A Cup That Can Serve As An Inspiration

A history of sorts was created at Wankhede Mumbai when India became the first host country to lift the Cricket’s most coveted trophy The Great World Cup on its soil.  It took whooping 28 years to relive the moments of 1983. At the same time defeat at the hands of Lankans in 1996 WC quarter finals was also sweetly avenged.  

The feeling of been there and seen that is certainly out of the world, and those lucky ones at the Wankhede will cherish the memories of it for rest of their lives. But those who watched it on their good old televisions sets had time of their life as well.  It was all in all a very emotional moment. Post match audience as well as players all had teary eyes.  It was not just a win,  It rather came as a binding force uniting the whole country together. 

In the tense moments, in the nearing moments, in all the moments, there was only one prayer resounding every mind, a prayer for nothing less but Win. Boundaries of rich, poor, culture, religion suddenly melted away without a trace.  What left was proud feeling of being an Indian !!!

 The Cup has certainly given ecstatic moments to a country battered by corruption, terrorism, intolerance and what not. It came at a time when general public’s faith was badly bruised by scams involving crores of public money  which was plundered by greedy politicians at their own free will. Every now n then skeletons of scams  coming out of closets dents the public faith further .If that is not enough, Terrorists are striking at their will, innocents are being killed, Somewhere a Jawan is sacrificing his life to ensure our safety, somewhere Court decisions are being twisted by passing bucks, somewhere a hapless girl is being taken advantage of, and some are simply denied the right to be born… Nation is being tormented each day thanks to lackadaisical attitude of its people. 

In such hard times where real essence of togetherness is taken over by superficiality and showoff this Cup can truly serve as an inspiration to many. 

The point I want to convey here is the feeling of devotedness that we are witnessing today needs to be carry forwarded into our day to day life and dealings. It needs to reflect in our attitude.

If 11 men unit with their teamwork coupled with strong will and determination can conquer the world than why can’t a Billion plus with strong grit and perseverance can set their house in order ? If we all rally along together to fight social causes instead of being selfish and self centered, Can there ever be moments of hopelessness, misery and injustice?.... Questions worth asking and to contemplate upon

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