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Coffee – Pros and Cons

Long stretched working hours, unending tight to neck schedules, meetings, follow-ups, deadlines phew……… A cup of coffee is what sails a regular office goer through the hectic day!!


Well a cup of coffee was certainly fine but in reality it’s just not a cup of coffee but rather several cups of coffees in a day that we usually end up consuming. How good or bad this habit forming beverage can be for us?  How much is safe? Let’s dig in a bit, to know more.


Coffee might have huge fan following due to immediate alertness it imparts but it doesn’t hold a very high reputation among many primarily due to high caffeine content. There has always been some level of suspicion around coffee and its long-term impact on health, but like every cloud has a silver lining, this Java drink is not all that bad…. How? Read on


Many studies and subsequent results have proved that there is much more to coffee than caffeine content and its ability to prevent you from falling asleep at your desk “if taken in limits”.


Have a look at the few here.

  1.  Caffeine - Coffee is a rich source of caffeine, which is a stimulant. When taken in small quantities it helps in controlling weight, alleviates pain, open up airways for improved breathing, and overcome chronic fatigue.
  2.  Anti – OxidantsCoffee also contains anti-oxidants in abundance. They help your body repair damage caused by free radicals which are the by-products of daily processes taking place in our body and also by environmental exposures like tobacco, smoke and radiation.
  3. The antioxidants in coffee have been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, gallstones, and Parkinson’s. Coffee may even help relieve asthma and prevent cavities.
  4. Eases Post work-out pain – Coffee has also shown to relieve the pain caused after strenuous work out session.
  5. Anti –Aging – Mainly due to the abundance of anti – oxidants, Coffee gets thumbs up on its anti-ageing properties as well. 
How much is enough?

Despite having several health benefits, it should not be taken as an excuse to over – indulge. Heavy coffee drinkers often complain lack of sleep, also coffee is known to trigger high blood pressure, it addition to this headaches, digestive problems are some other side – effects of over doing.

So what is the permissible limit?

As per the studies – Generally 2 cups (230 ml or 8oz each) are considered a safe bet. That is roughly 200 – 300 mg of caffeine a day considering you are not consuming any other caffeinated food or drink.


Coffee’s caffeine content varies widely according to cup size, preparation method, and the amount of coffee used. Generally, cups prepared from instant coffee contain less caffeine (average 65 mg) and cups prepared by drip methods contain more caffeine (average 110 mg).

Those who have history of chronic heart diseases and high BP should definitely give it a skip. With ample healthier choices available, bargain is certainly worth. Few of them are listed here.

  1.  First on the list comes the Green Tea, rich in anti – oxidants and less or nil caffeine ( I’ll do a separate post on this later on)
  2. Black Tea – Caffeine content is half the coffee.  Honey can also be added. Also we can go for its milky version.
  3. Licorice Tea – A caffeine free, sweet and soothing alternative to coffee.
  4. One can also go for decaffeinated coffee.

Also it is noteworthy that if you are a chain coffee drinker and trying to cut down your daily intake or switching over to a healthier alternative, make a gradual change instead of going cold turkey as it may lead to withdrawal symptoms like head aches, nausea and  can be even worse in case of addicts. Better consult your physician for directions

As the famous saying goes, “A little of what you fancy does you good”, same goes for coffee, the lesser the better. Know it’s not a miracle drink and should be consumed only in moderation.

Strike balance and derive benefits. Happy Brewing...!!!

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  1. Wow! I knew I liked coffee for some reason. I used to drink up to 16 cups a day when I was younger, but these days I'm usually good at 2 cups and it's my favorite time of day. I started drinking a lot of water in addition to my regular java and it seems like the perfect balance. At 42, I feel better then ever and at my last check up my doctor said my 'body age' was more like 29... I think that makes a good case for coffee (in moderation). Thx for the excellent article :D

  2. @:Dandilyon - Thank You Dear. Water is the best detox agent ever and as far as Coffee is concerned ,well in limits, it does help you a great deal.

    And I am happy that the healthy combo is working wonders for you :)


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